Gnoll Guide

Gnolls is still in an experimental phase, everything said is subject to change

Gnoll Elders Council

In the world of Gnolls, the Elders Council is a group of highly respected elders who have been entrusted with the responsibility of managing the financial affairs of the barracks and custom unions. They hold ultimate authority in decision-making and serve as protectors of the communal wealth.

Gnoll Elders: [2/3]

  • @BurgerBaron
  • @Petrus8039
  • @Klaasek

Gnoll Time

Travel duration can be shortened through slashing. The more weeks you slash your transportation duration, the more expensive the slashing. Max Slash is 50%, going down respectively every week not slashed.

Gnoll Economy

Gold, the Bedrock

Gold serves as the fundamental currency of the Gnoll economy, acquired mainly through raiding or purchased on the open markets. Gnolls can be assigned to 'Raiding' in the 'Work Force', where all Gnoll jobs are assigned. Participating in Raiding will earn their fair share of that epoch's gold plunders. Here's how the gold economy functions:

  • 100% Plunder Distribution of 75 idol temples: When gnolls raid the temples, they receive a well-earned reward – a weekly distribution of the plundered gold among the raiders. This gold forms the backbone of the Gnoll economy.

Gnoll Barracks:

The Gnoll Barracks play a pivotal role in the Gnoll Economy. Gnolls can be recruited into your tribe by paying 100,000 gold or the equivalent of 0.1 ETH (known as Goblin Money) per gnoll. Should the need arise to dismiss a gnoll, you'll receive 100,000 gold in return, impacting the circulation of gold in the Gnoll World. As all normal gnolls can be dismissed for 100.000 gold at all times, a fine balance must be found between liquidity and investing in industries. The 100,000 gold can be converted into Goblin Money (0.1 ETH) at the Gold Exchange (Find it at the Resource Hub), if there is enough claimable ETH, or on the open markets, if there is sufficient liquidity.

Wood: Fueling Progress

Wood is an essential resource that will fuel construction, production and crafting. Gnolls can be assigned to 'Woodcutting' in the Work Force. Purchase your Wood Axe in the Goblin Market.

  • 100 Additional Temples: The Elders discovered an additional 100 idol temples. Continuously raided by the Elders state army, 100% of the plundered wealth from these temples is used to acquire more wood from the open markets for essential public projects.

Stone: Crafting the Future

Stone, another vital resource for upcoming construction, production and crafting. Gnolls can be assigned to 'Stonemining' in the Work Force. Purchase your Pickaxe in the Goblin Market.

  • 100 Additional Temples: Continuously raided by the Elders state army, 100% of the plundered wealth from these temples is used to acquire more stone from the open markets for essential public projects.

The Role of the Goblin Market:

In the bustling Goblin Market, gnolls can exchange their hard-earned gold for essential tools and other items. Wood axes, priced at 1000 gold each, are needed for woodcutting, while pickaxes, also costing 1000 gold each, are crucial for stone mining. Every gnoll engaged in these industries requires one of these tools.

The flow of gold through the purchase of wood axes and pickaxes in the Goblins Market is turned into immediate liquidity for wood and stone respectively. This Goblin demand is driven by the need to craft items and supply materials within their own towns, cities, and lands. As the economy evolves, so do the opportunities and challenges it presents.

Gnoll Profile

In the world of Gnolls, your profile is your identity and reputation. It's more than just a name; it's a record of your achievements, resources, and standing within the Gnoll community.

Profile Features:

  • Resource Tracking: Your profile tracks your total finances and resource overview. By clearing the forest of wood and stones, resource gathering with a .gnoll profile unlocks plots for potential buildings, with each plot requiring 500 wood and 250 stone to be cleared and claimed (minted) before construction.
  • Achievements: Showcase your accomplishments and milestones.
  • Expiration and Renewal: Your profile expires after 52 epochs. To maintain your progress and retain access, renew it within 12 additional epochs of expiration.
  • Cost: Acquiring a .gnoll profile costs 5000 gold for 52 epochs.

Your Gnoll profile is the foundation of your existence in this world. It's how other Gnolls recognize you, how your contributions are measured, and how you leave your mark on Gnoll history. Maintain it well, for a strong profile opens doors to greater opportunities and respect among your fellow Gnolls.

Gnoll Village

The village is the heart of Gnoll society, a bustling center of activity where resources are gathered, crafted, and traded. It's here that Gnolls truly build their civilization, with each new plot cleared by the tireless hands of simple woodcutters and miners. These cleared plots become the foundation of the village, allowing the Gnolls to expand and thrive.

Village Features:

  • Village Size: Each village level allows an additional 5 Gnolls to work and live, with each level costing 1000 gold per epoch.
  • Buildings: Construct and upgrade buildings like lumbermills and quarries to boost your resource production capabilities, limited by the number of available unlocked plots.
  • Lumbermill: A lumbermill costs 340 stone, 225 wood, and 5000 gold. It boosts wood production by a factor of 2 for a maximum capacity of 5 Gnolls.
  • Quarry: A quarry costs 170 stone, 450 wood, and 5000 gold. It boosts stone production by a factor of 2 for a maximum capacity of 5 Gnolls.

Your village is more than just a place to live; it's the engine of your economy and the showcase of your achievements in the Gnoll world. Invest wisely in your village, for a prosperous village leads to a prosperous Gnoll. As you grow and develop your village, you'll unlock new opportunities and rise in prominence among your fellow Gnolls.

Gnoll Rentals

In the world of Gnolls, you have the opportunity to put up your gnolls for rent, creating a dynamic marketplace for gnoll labor.

Rental Options:

  • Listing: You can list your gnolls for rent while they continue their current jobs. However, be aware that if someone accepts your listed gnolls and it results in insufficient gnolls for your current jobs, all your gnolls will be returned from their jobs, ready for new commands.
  • Accepting Bids: You can also accept bids from other players for your gnolls. To place a bid, players must first deposit gold into the warehouse.

Rental Terms:

When setting up a rental, you can decide:

  • The number of gnolls to rent out
  • The price in gold
  • The duration in epochs

Important: Once a rental agreement is in place, gnolls cannot be returned midway through the agreed term. Plan your rentals carefully!


Embrace the economic intricacies of Gnoll society, where gold, wood, and stone serve as core building blocks for a thriving civilization. As you embark on your Gnoll journey, remember that the economy is constantly evolving, presenting new opportunities and challenges. Prosper and thrive in this dynamic realm!